When you choose to attend Heart Mountain Academy, you sign up to work smart, work with purpose, and work hard. We will be here to help you every step of the way. When you graduate from HMA, you’ll have a diploma that matters and the confidence to take on college, career, and the challenges life throws your way.


HMA has a full four-year course of study in English, math, science, social studies, and a variety of electives. Students may also concurrently enroll in classes offered at Cody High School when necessary.


Technology plays a key role in our curriculum delivery process, allowing for programmed learning, immediate feedback systems, and maximum monitoring of individual progress and needs. We blend learning in core content areas utilizing curriculum from Florida Virtual, an online, accredited high school, and Brain Honey.


We understand that you have a full life beyond the classroom. Our smaller class sizes enable staff to adjust content delivery, thereby allowing you to complete the majority of work during class and reduce the volume of homework.


S.E.L. (Social/Emotional/Learning) is a mandatory ½ credit class for all students. During this course, you will collaborate with a team, including staff and your parents/guardians, to write your individualized learning plan (ILP). Additionally, you will prepare a personal mission statement and develop a life plan.

Personal Finance. We require all seniors to take a Personal & Family Finance course to learn the essentials of responsible money management. Students also have opportunities to attend job fairs, write resumes and cover letters, and prepare applications for college and scholarships.

Service Learning. Students learn leadership skills through involvement in the democratic process by participating in community service (volunteering) and school governance (site-based management/committee membership).


At HMA, we use flexible learning time to connect with our community and partner with organizations. This outreach includes job shadowing, internships, work experience, and scholarships. Learn more


Students select nine elective credit units from any of the subject areas we offer. Although foreign language is not a diploma requirement, we encourage students who plan to attend a two- or four-year college to take at least two years of foreign language during high school.