4th and 5th grade CAN party Tuesday, April 25. See blow for more details!
over 1 year ago, Sunset School
CAN Party
Please take a moment to check out Sunset's week schedule for the week of April 17, https://www.smore.com/q9zmw
over 1 year ago, Sunset School
Young Authors Celebration is coming up, read below for more information!
over 1 year ago, Sunset School
Young Authors
Join us for the Sunset PTO meeting Tuesday, April 18!
over 1 year ago, Sunset School
PTO meeting
Sunset families, if you plan to attend our Family Fun Night on May 11, please return the RSVPs as soon as you can so proper amounts of food and supplies can be ordered for the event!
over 1 year ago, Sunset School
Camp Read-a-Lot
Come join us for Coffee with Trustees!
over 1 year ago, Sunset School
Coffee with Trustees
Please take a moment to check out Sunset School's weekly schedule for April 10-14. https://www.smore.com/kp9f5
over 1 year ago, Sunset School
Park 6 Families, Please take a moment to watch this update from Superintendent Orndorff regarding events that occurred within the district this week. https://youtu.be/VpDUfRmmqVM
over 1 year ago, Park County School District 6
Classroom pictures are rescheduled for Wednesday, April 12!
over 1 year ago, Sunset School
Classroom pictures
Park 6 Families, This morning at approximately 7:30 a.m. Cody High School administration received a message from the school resource officer indicating that there was a social media post circulating that could be directed at Cody High School, the author of the post mentioned CHS. This information prompted the district’s crisis management team to put Cody High School into a shelter-in-place and the district notified families of the situation. Cody PD responded to CHS and swept the building, following this sweep they verified there was no threat to students. Additional Park County law enforcement officers began investigating the origins of the social media post. They determined the post originated in Clovis, New Mexico several years ago. The post mentions a threat to CHS. A student from a neighboring school district saw this post and thought it was targeted at Cody High School and sent it to a CHS student who then reported it to law enforcement. At approximately 8:10 Cody PD informed the District’s crisis team that this was not a credible threat and that the normal operation of Cody High School could resume. We thank you for your patience, understanding, and support as the district and Cody PD worked together to resolve this situation. We are extremely proud of how our scholars responded to this situation.
over 1 year ago, Park County School District 6
If you have questions about kindergarten for next year, please join the virtual meeting on Thursday, April 6
over 1 year ago, Sunset School
Kindergarten questions
Good Morning Park 6 Families, This morning a false report of a school shooting at Cody High School was called into the Park County Law Enforcement Center. Cody PD responded quickly and verified that there was no threat and that the students were safe. This unfortunate event seems part of a nationwide trend called "swatting". We are thankful for our local law enforcement acting quickly to verify the situation. Once again, no threat was found, and the students are safe.
over 1 year ago, Park County School District 6
Please take a moment to check out Sunset School's weekly schedule to April 3-April 6! https://www.smore.com/xucez
over 1 year ago, Sunset School
A reminder there is no school Friday, April 7!
over 1 year ago, Sunset School
No school
Park 6 developed a Temporary Virtual Education ​(TVE) plan ​for times school is cancelled. Please read this letter explaining the plan. ​A copy of the letter and student workbooks were sent home earlier this week. ​Thank you. https://5il.co/1rom1
over 1 year ago, Sunset School
Kindergarten registration for the 2023-2024 school year opens Monday, April 3. Please read below for more information. Click on the link to register. https://www.park6.org/page/registration
over 1 year ago, Sunset School
Kindergarten registration
Please take a moment to check out Sunset School's weekly schedule for March 27- March 30.https://www.smore.com/ce4s5
almost 2 years ago, Sunset School
Join us for the Sunset PTO meeting!
almost 2 years ago, Sunset School
PTO meetingp
Come share coffee and a Park School District 6 Trustee!
almost 2 years ago, Sunset School
Please take a moment to check out SunsetSchool's weekly schedule for March 13-March 17. https://www.smore.com/80a6b
almost 2 years ago, Sunset School